Now you say well what about kids born autistic? I have thought about this long and hard and did you as the parent have your shots? Do you think that since these shots are so dangerous do you think a weak immune system could somehow be passed on to the child? My mother is allergic to ticks, now I am you think if a mother gets these shots and who knows she may have problems that were not diagnosed as autism...then she has a child born with a weak immune system due to the shots she was given and now her child 'seems' autistic, then after her child gets his shots the child goes full blown autistic? What do you think! People we need to start getting real about this!
Think of it like this, you are the person giving out these shots to MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people. Then after a while this problem comes up called AUTISM. After some moms notice their child gets Autism right around the time their child got his shots and they say something. Then they (they being our trusty old government) do a little "private" research and hum they (they being parents) might be right...but we (we being the Government) can't fix millions and millions of problems in the world...the problem is just so big! So then parents start to fight, now the government know it has to fight back they can't admit it or the government will end up supporting everyone who sues due to this issue, and 1 out of 120 people...that is a large amount of $, so they can't admit this...and they can't stop it. Do you see them doing research on this! No they keep doing research only on the neurological side (which is the damage that is caused from the shot but is not why it happens!) and fully stay away from the shots and how the diet cures them. Why why are they not really looking at you ever wonder why?
You know in my research I see websites over and over say "There is not 'link' between the MMR and autism" Okay get this Our government teaches in the schools that while there is no "link" to the Neanderthal man and humans they teach that these two men are one and the same! And do we believe that? Boy I hope not! Our government also allowed this study in as proof and the researcher said this "This study really supports the view these are safe vaccines," said David Brown, a researcher at Britain's Health Protection Agency who worked on the study. "The evidence is now so solid there really isn't a need for further studies here."
'Isn't a need for further studies here'...doesn't that send chills down your spine!!!!! One study and we should trust it and drop it! Bull $&*^! I want 10 thousand studies from many different independent groups (including a huge panel of mom's with autistic children) to say it's not shots and then I might start listening!
Stand up and fight, if your kid has autism get informed about mothers who have cured...that's right cured their children. People like Jenny McCarthy
Look at the facts above! Look into the research...stop thinking because some doctor went to school for 8 years he knows what is best he is usually just regurgitating what he was told and so on. And who heads all this research up? Look into would be surprised! Get out there and get informed! Then inform!
I use to think people like me were nuts! I use to think our government was the best thing since Jesus, until I read Karyn Serousii's book. I now look at everything with "open eyes" and I research every bit of information given to me. I research the doctor's side, I research the parent's side, and I research the naturalist's side. I never leave a rock unturned, or a place left unanswered!
Learn to trust God, learn to listen to Him and listen when He is screaming at you! When you go to take your child to get his feel it don't you, that pull that says "this is not right" but you ignore it because our culture says we "need" the shots, and maybe it is nice to have those shots but if I come at you (a grown adult) and say hey I have 36 viruses in this needle and I am going to give them to you so you won't get these viruses later in life...wouldn't you run the other way! I would! So why do we give this to a TWO year old!!!!!!! Seriously! If you do feel the need to give your child shots there are spaced out plans you can look into.
I do not apologize for being angery! Every time I see an Autistic child I just start to get mad! Mad at our culture #1 and mad at the lies we let ourselves believe! My SIL daughter has autism I know first hand what happens I also know her story is the same as thousands I have read about. She agree's with me (after talking to mom's who's kids have the same issues) and talking to the medical community. She knows now...when it's too late.
Listen to the Lord, He will guide you in this!
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