First for our awesome adventures in tot school click on this link and see all the cool things I did with our 3 year old last week.
Second my very cute, very neat hubby made this nifty neat bed from scratch. No kit, no online bed making plans. He just looked at my son's bed and tried to duplicate it, isn't it brilliant!

picture altered to protect the innocent fat

Stuntman taking a practice swing

my hubby always looking for someones lost balls, roflol!

me trying to show little thunder how to use the camera

Me actually hitting the ground with the club in anger!

Hubby taking a practice swing

Me really not liking how crappy I played, don't worry I got in a better mood after this! Hubby was good with tips=)

trying to swing at a little ball and make it go 300 yards in 3 strokes are less...(snort) yeah right! I do love hanging out with my family and I pray I get better because when that ball does go flying, it makes me realize why guys love it so. I just think this sport is hard! You have to think about where your feet are, your arms, the club, the ball and then make those all come together to shoot a little ball with a little club across a giant field! I am not that talented folks!