Lets start with the such...I love this ladies blog! Every time I read it I get a lovely laugh...I want to be as comical as she is, it's great therapy!!! I also wanted to let everyone know we will be starting school in September and I am getting excited again. We are so behind this year with my husband being sick but it does not bother me too much we have years to catch up.
Next savings...I went shopping again. Normally I do this on Friday's but this week we had to be out on Monday so I got some of it out of the way, it will give me more time on Friday to read blogs...tee he.
Okay first I love CVS, you buy certain items they give you coupons for anything on your next visit, you buy use your coupons + ad your Sunday coupons, and get their items on sale and the savings are huge!!!! Okay I will show ya!
Last week I went to CVS and paid 26.76 for these items but the store gave me 27.77 in coupons for my next visit. So this week I got:
Next savings...I went shopping again. Normally I do this on Friday's but this week we had to be out on Monday so I got some of it out of the way, it will give me more time on Friday to read blogs...tee he.
Okay first I love CVS, you buy certain items they give you coupons for anything on your next visit, you buy use your coupons + ad your Sunday coupons, and get their items on sale and the savings are huge!!!! Okay I will show ya!
Last week I went to CVS and paid 26.76 for these items but the store gave me 27.77 in coupons for my next visit. So this week I got:
Excedrin PM had a Sunday paper clipping (spc) coupon and paid 1.79
Crest Whitening toothpaste had spc and got it for .24 cents after 1.50 coupon for next visit
2 Crest Pro Health toothpaste had a spc and got it for .49 after 1.50 coupon for next visit
Oral B Advantage toothbrush had a spc and got it for FREE after 1.50 coupon for next visit
2 Bic whiteout had spc got it for .50ea
Dawn dish soap-lavendar and Jasmine YUM had spc got it for .38 cents
2 Sure Deodorant had spc got them for FREE
2 Covergirl makeup had spc got them for FREE
2 post cereals had spc got them for 1.65ea
Shick Razor kit 3.99 (this was a rain check item from last week)
My total would have been for all of the items (all were on sale) 36.17 But with my spc coupons the total came out to 20.03 then I used my store coupons from last week's purchases (all but a 9.99 one) and had 2.25 to pay in cash. But I got a 4.50 store coupon back and a 2 dollar store coupon back. So on my next visit I will still have 16.49 in store coupons.
This Grocery Game is fun!
At Walgreens my purchase were:
2 Dawn Dish soap (yummy lavendar again!) spc+store coupon (sc) paid .49ea
1Walgreen's ammonia 64 oz on sale (just needed some) 1 dollar
Paper mate 10 pens sc paid .09
Penway erasers 15pk sc paid .09
paper clips 100pk sc paid .19
wooden ruler sc paid .19
index cards 100pk sc paid .19
scrubbing bubbles cleaner 16oz sc+spc paid1.25
Glade candle 4 oz sc+spc FREE
XLVacuum Travel Bag (the ones that suck the air out of the bag of clothes) FREE after rebate
L Vacuum Travel Bag FREE after rebate
My total would have been: 32.39 But after coupons and rebates I will pay: $3.98!!!!!! Can you believe that!!!!!Hold on I want to do the math again to see if I got that right, yep I got it right!!!!! So everything I listed above for Walgreens came to $3.98!!! I am super stoked about that!
Hope you enjoy this game as much as I do!!! So to recap I got this:

and this:

for a total of $6.23!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus I have over $16 dollars left to spend at CVS!!!! Try doing that at the dollar store!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh oops that video my son got on sale for .99 cents.
Okay weight loss, I did not lose any weight,
I did not diet very well and I did not exercise at all! So no update this week...sad. I will try harder this week on working out because I am trying to dieting and even though I am not that good it's better than I was and yet the weight is still not coming of so...
Okay weight loss, I did not lose any weight,

My friend Alexis (you can read her blog on my sidebar) does the CVS thing--I'll have to tell her about Walgreens! She gets so excited, it's like she won the lottery! I've been reluctant to try because...well...I don't know, maybe because it's out of my routine? I've never been good with change...(no pun intended!! ROFL)
Hi Latte;
Nice to meet you...found you from the Homeschool Lounge.
We will start school in September to...don't have an exact date...but no we will *eventually* get to it.
Looks like you got some great savings...that is always a yippee.
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
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