Thursday, February 26, 2009

getting the funk out of funky

Do you ever get to the point when your own funky home grosses you out? Okay I am one of those strange people who wants a super organized home but I don't mind dirt-it's just too unavoidable. But there is a point you get to that you can just no longer touch many parts of your home cuz it's just so gross you think...

"should I just go ahead and clean today?-or would it be best to just condemn this house burn it to the ground and start over with a new one?"

You want to know what is really sad? I clean for a living! Well actually I am a house/homeschool/nurse/butt wiper wife and mom for a living, I just earn a few extra bucks cleaning homes and offices. Which pays well mind you.

And it's not that I mind cleaning my home compared to theirs it's just that mine takes longer!

-days longer...

Want to know why?

I have to organize, homeschool, yell at the kids, and wipe butts, as I go. When I clean other homes...I just clean. I have tried pawning the kids off on to other family members so I can clean but instead I do other things like blog, or read, or nap.

I would love to say I deep clean my home well twice a month but lately some rooms have not been cleaned 'well' in months!

So all this funky funk cleaning got me to wondering how often do you deep clean your home? Ya know where you get the funk out of the funky spots like behind your toilet...or even maybe the toilet it's self? Do tell, this cleaning lady is dieing to know!

Now I am off to try and get the funky-ness outa here.



Kelley said...

We have a Get The Klumps Out day on the 15th of every month (providing it's not a Sunday), where EVERYONE is helpful and we clean the stuff that we don't do with normal housework. My hub is tallest and bravest so he gets the cob webs and spiders, my daughter get windex and duster, and I get everything else. When we are done we get...McDonald's, Pizza...something.

Gloria P. said...

Enjoy reading your blog.

My mom cleaned houses for a living and I would often go with her to help out when I was a kid; and your right the money is good.

My mom's cleaning business paid to put me through nursing school and it also taught me how to clean a house and how to clean those funky spots real good.

I use to clean constantly when my kids where little and now that the nest is empty and it's just the hubster and I, I clean the funky spots at least 3 times per week.


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